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| | | Family Holiday Fun | Saturday, July 4, 2009 | In the first week of July 2009, SGS held a special event named Holiday Fun. At the event, there was a big treasure hunt. Every family had to come to a room based on a map.
SGS used special rooms like the kitchen, the theatre, the music room, the art room, the reading room, the Chinese room and the laboratory as well as play land and soft play. Before starting the treasure hunt, SGS had a decorating cakes and doughnuts competition. After the students finished, they could start the treasure hunt.
Each room had a different activity with a question to be answered so that the family could get a clue to get them to the next room. For example in the reading room, every family had to read a book and answer a question. In the theatre, they watched a movie and had to answer the question. Once they answered the question correctly, the room keeper gave them a stamp and a clue where to go next. Ms. Natalia as a leader for this event said, “I hope the committee and I can make the next event better than before.”
(by Ms. Dian) |
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