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| | | Spooky Funny Halloween | Wednesday, October 28, 2009 | As an international school, SGS also celebrated Halloween with a party. Usually, Halloween is identified with something scary. But in SGS, we made it fun, so we named this event “Spooky Funny Halloween”. This event was held on Wednesday 28th October 2009 from 08.30 – 13.00 and involved all the students of SGS from Toddler to Primary.
There were various games in this event. ‘Candy Jar Guess’, getting the students to guess how many candies were in a jar. ‘What’s in the Box?’, had the students put their hands in a box and try to guess what the objects were. The objects were rubber mouse toys, a ball and a beetle. ‘Big Mouth Pumpkin’, let the students throw a ball into the pumpkin’s mouth. ‘Where are the Ghosts?’, asked the students in pairs to find the ghost in a picture by making a circle sign. ‘Pin the Tail on the Black Cat’, blindfolded students and spun them around, then let the student try to pin the tail in the right place.
The other activities were ‘Mummy Dress Up’ and ‘Best Costume Contest’. ‘Mummy Dress Up’ was a competition for Kindergarten and Primary classes, where they had to wrap their own teacher with a lot of tissues similar to a mummy. The winner of this competition was K-B, and followed by P-2, P-1 and K-A. ‘Best Costume Contest’ was a competition for Kindergarten and Primary students. The winners of this competition were Abel (P-2), Matthew (P-2), Savana (P-1), and Lexa (K-A).
Well, this event would not be complete without a ‘Fortune Teller’. The students had to come into a special room one at a time and ask the fortune teller a question. Dressed as a Gipsy, Ms. Sherly as the Fortune Teller had to answer the question from the student. Most of the students liked this part and they also enjoyed all of the Halloween games and activities. Finally, the students had a trick or treat activity to get some candies and chocolates.
(by Ms. Dian) |
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